Dr. Robert White Awarded Scholarship to Study Machine Learning

The Epidemiology and Population Health Summer Institute at Columbia University  (EPIC) has awarded Dr. Robert White a scholarship to attend the course titled Introduction to Machine Learning for Epidemiologists.  

The course provides a general introduction to machine learning and its utility for epidemiologists. It will introduce algorithms and validation techniques used in various disciplines, and focus on applications of machine learning in the field of epidemiology with clear examples from the scientific literature.  

Dr. White is an obstetric anesthesiology fellow and Van Poznak Research Scholar in the Department of Anesthesiology. As part of the department’s Center for Perioperative Outcomes, he co-supervises a multidisciplinary research team that examines racial and economic disparities in the healthcare system.

“Through this course, I hope to gain a better understanding of machine learning – what it actually is and how it is applied – and come away with actionable next steps that I can apply to my research,” said Dr. White.

The scholarship was made possible by a grant from the National Institute for General Medical Sciences. 


Related information: 


Center for Perioperative Outcomes
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 
Weill Cornell Medical Center
428 East 72nd Street, Suite 800A
New York, NY 10021