Guest Speaker, Poster Presentations Highlight Ninth-Annual Research Exposition

The Department of Anesthesiology’s Clinical Research Division successfully hosted the Ninth-Annual Weill Cornell Anesthesiology Research Exposition on Thursday, January 23. Held in the hallways of M3 and the Anesthesiology Library, the Research Expo was quite popular, with the afternoon’s speaking program attended by over fifty people. There were 42 research posters submitted.

The afternoon’s speaking program was introduced by Anesthesiology Chair Hugh Hemmings, MD, PhD. The first two speakers were from the Department of Anesthesiology.  Crina Nimigean, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology and Biophysics in Anesthesiology, gave a presentation, "Molecular Mechanisms of Potassium Channel Function.” Peter Fleischut, M.D., Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of the Center for Perioperative Outcomes gave an overview of the Center for Perioperative Outcomes’ research methodology, current projects, and future plans.

Leading the Special Research Seminar was the Research Expo’s guest speaker, Steven L. Shafer, M.D., Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. Shafer delivered an informative and entertaining talk entitled, "Academic Misconduct". Drawing on his experience as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia, Dr. Shafer shared a variety of examples of plagiarism and academic fraud he has encountered as an editor, offered how he has handled them, and then suggested what can be done to limit such practices moving forward.  

After the formal speaking program ended, the participants moved on to the poster session. The guest judge was Pamela Flood, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. Flood and Dr. Shafer joined Weill Cornell Anesthesiology in assessing the posters of four finalists: Dr. Hiroshi Sunaga and Dr. James Littlejohn in Clinical Research and Dr. Peter Goldstein and Dr. Alessio Accardi in Laboratory Research. Drs. Littlejohn and Accardi received first place in their respective categories, culminating another successful Research Exposition.

Read more about the Research Exposition, 2013-14 here, including details of the winning posters.

Center for Perioperative Outcomes
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 
Weill Cornell Medical Center
428 East 72nd Street, Suite 800A
New York, NY 10021