CPO Presentation Board

Research and Education

Research is the foundation of all Center for Perioperative Outcomes (CPO) services. The CPO is committed to excellence in its educational methods and research processes to further its mission of advancing perioperative outcomes research. 

Collaborative Effort 

The CPO takes an individualized approach to research, offering the unique opportunity for mentorships and collaborations with faculty members and statistics experts.  
New researchers often might not know where to begin. In the Department of Anesthesiology and the CPO, experienced investigators provide guidance and ensure research proposals provide a meaningful impact to scientific literature and are grounded in a sound methodological approach. The CPO is an ideal center for collaborators to cultivate, quantify, and qualify research skillsets.  
The CPO also caters to more seasoned researchers, clinicians and trainees. The CPO is involved in numerous hands-on research projects with both internal and external stakeholders. We have had numerous research studies published in peer-reviewed journals.

Research Accomplishments

The CPO’s recent research accomplishments include:
  • Seven manuscripts published in AY18
  • 23 abstracts accepted in AY18, 10 in AY19
  • Multiple articles on our research in healthcare disparities published in “Anesthesiology News”
  • Two grants awarded in AY18
    • “Epidemiology and Impact of Medication Errors in the Perioperative Setting” (MPOG)
    • “Association of Race with Utilization of Antiemetic Prophylaxis in MPOG” (Inaugural Dean’s Diversity and Healthcare Disparity Research Award)
  • Collaborations with ~20 faculty members
  • Collaborations with ~20 residents and fellows

For more information on CPO research, browse our publications or contact us.

Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Perioperative Outcomes 428 East 72nd St., Ste 800A New York, NY 10021