Found 171 results
Danninger T., Stundner O., Rasul R., Poeran J., Mazumdar M., Fleischut P., et al. Blood transfusions in total hip and knee arthroplasty.; 2013.
Vaz A., Eskreis-Winkler J., Lazar A., Mazumdar M., Memtsoudis S., Fleischut P.. The burden of obesity on perioperative resource utilization. .; 2013.
Storch B., Bhat A., Zabih R., Eskreis-Winkler J., Fleischut P., Pryor K.. Community-wide trends in utilization and in-hospital mortality for endovascular and open repair of unruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, 2006-2011: Results from the state inpatient database.; 2013.
Storch B., Bhat A., Zabih R., Eskreis-Winkler J., Fleischut P., Pryor K.. Community-wide trends in utilization and in-hospital mortality for carotid artery stenting and carotid endarterectomy, 2006-2011: Results from the state inpatient database.; 2013.
Turnbull Z., Faggiani S., Eskreis-Winkler J., Tope C., Sobhani N., Decka I., et al. Effects of real-time data integration technology on compliance with postoperative documentation.; 2013.
Fleischut P., Gaber-Baylis L., Eskreis-Winkler J., Mazumdar M., Memtsoudis S.. The epidemiology of postpartum hemorrhage: United States 1998 to 2010.; 2013.
Cheon E., Kharkar A., Selzer A., Brumberger E., Eskreis-Winkler J., Fleischut P., et al. Evaluation of anesthesiology services after five pm: Strategizing a staffing model to meet increased demand.; 2013.
Lazar A., Lazar C., Gaber-Baylis L., Faggiani S., Giambrone G., Mazumdar M., et al. Factors contributing to anesthetic care for total hip arthroplasty: An analysis of data from the anesthesia quality institute.; 2013.
Vaz A., Faggiani S., Tope C., Mazumdar M., Memtsoudis S., Fleischut P.. The impact of real-time automated paging and e-mail notifications on anesthesia relief time documentation.; 2013.
Littlejohn J., Till S., Green R., Nguyen M., Fleischut P.. Implementation of alert in the electronic medical record reduces incidence of non-OR blood transfusions for Hb > 8.0 g/dL.; 2013.
Littlejohn J., Till S., Green R., Nguyen M., Fleischut P.. Implementation of alert in the electronic medical record reduces incidence of non-OR blood transfusions for Hb > 8.0 g/dL.; 2013.
Shankar N., Wang C., Fleischut P., Pryor K.. Intraoperative ketamine does not reverse remifentanil-induced postoperative hyperalgesia in major spine surgery.; 2013.
So M., Sandadi J., Littlejohn J., Lazar A., Lazar C., Fleischut P.. Medically challenging case: Hyperfibrinolysis after sudden operative hemorrhage.; 2013.
Vaz A., Grasso A., Cavalieri N., Muniz B., Maglione L., Ritter A., et al. A multidisciplinary approach to developing a protocol for safe OR management of a patient with a history of sulfite anaphylaxis.; 2013.
Fleischut P., Gaber-Baylis L., Faggiani S., Mazumdar M., Memtsoudis S.. National anesthesia practice patterns for ambulatory meniscectomies: An analysis of data from the anesthesia quality institute.; 2013.
Littlejohn J., Gaber-Baylis L., Mamzudar M., Memtsoudis S., Fleischut P.. National anesthesia practice patterns for cesarean sections: An analysis of data from the anesthesia quality institute.; 2013.
Littlejohn J., Pryor K., Fleischut P., Slepian R.. National assessment of practice patterns in unanticipated failures of direct laryngoscopy.; 2013.
Lazar A., Lazar C., Gaber-Baylis L., Faggiani S., Giambrone G., Mazumdar M., et al. National practice patterns in anesthetic care for the treatment of hip fractures.; 2013.
Lazar A., Lazar C., Gaber-Baylis L., Faggiani S., Giambrone G., Mazumdar M., et al. Predictors of anesthetic care for carotid endarterectomy.; 2013.
Fleischut P., Gaber-Baylis L., Faggiani S., Mazumdar M, Memtsoudis S.. Provider board certification status and practice patterns in total knee arthroplasty.; 2013.
Turnbull Z., Jackson J., Tope C., Xu W., Berman M., Vawdrey D., et al. Streamlining electronic anesthetic records to patient’s electronic medical record and the impact on cost.; 2013.